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Leqembi, un médicament contre la maladie d'Alzheimer, fait l'objet d'une poussée stratégique de la part de Biogen


July 26, 2024 8:49 PM

Biogen {{ m-tag option="price" ticker="BIIB" currency="USD" }} has announced a robust start to the year, with first-quarter profits surpassing estimates, buoyed by aggressive cost-reduction strategies and significant sales from its new Alzheimer's drug, Leqembi. The drug, the first FDA-approved treatment proven to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, has started to see an uptick in demand as the quarter progressed, culminating in sales totaling approximately $19 millionnearly double the prior year's figures.

The Launch & Acceleration of Leqembi

Despite a slow initial uptake, Leqembi's market performance has been gaining momentum, with the number of patients using the drug nearly 2.5 times higher since the end of 2023. This increase came after a concerted effort to boost adoption, including a 30% expansion of Biogen's U.S. marketing force dedicated to the drug's rollout. Biogen's strategic adjustments appear to be paying off, with the company noting a significant jump in new patients in March, which now represents over 20% of the total patient base.

Biogen's CEO, Chris Viehbacher, acknowledged the challenges in rolling out Leqembi, citing stringent requirements such as regular brain scans and twice-monthly infusions. However, the company remains optimistic about overcoming these hurdles and expects continued growth in patient numbers, though it anticipates that this growth may follow a different trajectory.

Financial Performance & Market Response

Biogen's overall financial health remains strong, with a reported net income of $393.4 million, up from the previous year.
The company has also reiterated its earnings forecast for the entire year, expecting adjusted earnings of $15 to $16 per share. Following these announcements, Biogen's stock price saw a notable increase of 6%.

Future Projections

Investors are encouraged by Biogen's strategic initiatives, particularly as the company diversifies its portfolio with other newly launched products, such as Skyclarys for Friedreich's ataxia and Zurzuvae for postpartum depression. While facing competitive pressures in its multiple sclerosis portfolio, Biogen's focus on novel therapies like Leqembi could redefine its growth trajectory in the biopharmaceutical sector.


Biogen's first-quarter performance, characterized by solid profit growth and promising initial sales from Leqembi, demonstrates the company's potential to lead in the Alzheimer's treatment market. Investors are advised to watch Biogen's continued efforts to enhance Leqembi's market penetration and a broader strategy to navigate competitive and operational challenges.

This approach could position Biogen as a critical player in the biotech industry, offering promising returns for stakeholders.

This revised article should help investors understand Biogen's current market performance and strategic initiatives. It particularly focuses on the rollout and potential of the Alzheimer's drug Leqembi and how investors might proceed with their investment considerations.

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